ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ý ßÜ Ý Þ Ý ÝÞ Ý R’MWaçe SoftWare! ÍÍÍÍÝÍÍÍÜßÍÞÍÍÍÝÍÍÝÍÞÝÍÍÝÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÝßßßÝ Ý Þ Ý Ý Ý Þ Ý Þ Ý Ý Ý Þ Ý Ý Þ Ý Ý Þ Ý CopyWrite (c), 1994, 1995 Ron Mc Neill (Dr. Suess), All Rights Reserved! RAMWare SoftWare!, R’M¥et!, The Banner Maker, Quotamatic, The Restarter, RAMBar, "2 Cents", TG User Zapper, and R’MSW”RœD! are all TradeMarks of Ron Mc Neill. Version 4.0 IS a totally new program! I know I said that about 3.0, but a Hard Drive crash, and corrupt backups sent all my work down the tubes! Well, it's better off that way, 4.0 is much more solid and full of all kinds of new features! Version 3.0 took off so strongly with it's Nation wide distribution that I received some very good comments about RAMBar Shell! I must say I never expected anything like this. As the very few users of versions before 3.0 already know, the main reason for RAMBar! was to create a simple Icon bar that could read the Program Manager's group files. I have yet to find a worthwhile Icon Bar, Windows Front End, or so called "Shell Replacement" that will read the group files I have already spent a lot of time setting up, let alone handle Windows internals as well as Program Manager. Even commercial products fall short of providing total support for ALL messages sent to Program Manager. I know I'm going to get it from the PCTools & Norton Desktop fans, but I already paid $100.00 to "try out" PCTools' Desktop for Windows version 2.0, and really don't care to pay another $100.00 to try out Norton Desktop. That's just to much money to pay for a desktop when the RAMBar Shell is only $25.00. Version 4.0 contains some features you (the user) has suggested. Along with some things I wanted in it. Like the RAMBar File Finder!, the new "Colors" configuration, the RAMBar! Group Edit to create and delete groups and icons without "Showing" Program Manager, and an improved Runner! The help system (new to version 3.0, and me) was kind of a flop! Some features were activated by sending keystrokes to Program Manager, which resulted in Program Manager "popping up" for a sec. This bothered me, so research began on finding out how to access the help system directly. I must say that the new CONTEXT SENSITIVE help system in version 4.0 is 1000 times better! The old RAMBar! Help selection in the help menu didn't really work. That bug has been fixed! Since I originally wanted it for my use, I'm constantly improving and "tweaking" it to eventually become the "ultimate desktop". It's not there yet, but is up in the ranks with the "big boys" and still VERY modestly priced! The best thing is, if you have an idea or suggestion that I didn't think of, I'll seriously consider putting it in. Try getting a major COMMERCIAL software company to do that for $25.00! NOTE: Since the creation of the help file, I've changed the following: The "Colors" button is documented as bringing up a RAMShell Colors Dialog Box". It now brings up a menu that allows you to select "System Colors" or "RAMShell Colors". The "System Colors" defines your Global Windows System colors. I included this feature for to make the Windows Color System more accessable. The Group Edit Dialog was documented as having a "Edit Item" button. This has been removed because of apparent "bugs" in Windows 3.1 Program Manager Dynamic Data Exchange String. I'll need to research this farther before I make a feature that uses it. An update to the GROUPED.EXE file will be made available at no charge to REGISTERED users and in future versions of RAMBar Shell! when finished including "drag and drop" capabilities. A more detailed seperate help system will be included in the update. This was just a "quick and dirty" utility that I threw together to add to the simplicity of RAMBar Shell! (kind of like the RAMBar Runner! that has evolved quite nicely).